Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Dressed for the farmer’s market

Skin is your largest organ, so I go covered. I wear a mask to protect me from your germs, breath and droplets. "As of right now, respiratory droplets are considered the main way the coronavirus is spreading, according to the CDC. The center's site states, "These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs."

The Farmer's Market has moved from "downtown" up to the old stone school building 7th and Walnut. Don't bring a bag--you can't use them. I got a lovely rhubarb pie, a quart of peaches and a tomato. Not as many vendors, but a good size crowd. Health challenged can go at 8:30 and otherwise opens to public at 9 a.m., Tuesday and Friday.

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