Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Reeducation camps on college campus and in China for Uyghurs

The Uyghurs, alternately Uygurs, Uighurs or Uigurs, [pronounced Wee-gers] are a Turkic-speaking minority ethnic group originating in Central and East Asia. They are Muslims. These days you hear about them being imprisoned in camps and reeducated by the Chinese [aka Communists]. I first heard of them at a Lakeside lecture over a decade ago, when the world began to find out about how they were being discriminated against and stripped of their unique culture.


When I see what is happening in our schools and universities, I often think of that name. Wee-gers. The difference is, our children aren't going against their will. We're sending them and paying exorbitant fees to have a generation stripped of their religion and values.

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