Wednesday, February 08, 2006

2128 Judging a book by its cover

You've heard the old saying, "You can't judge a book by its cover." This book has a nice cover, interesting content, and it is very personal, like scrapbooking with a purpose. Sarah's Daughter tells about a type of "hope chest" for today's young woman, a 3 ring binder with articles, ideas and tips for the time her daughter leaves home. But Mom has made a nice cover for it. She wrote, "I printed some articles from the internet about purity, modesty, and godly girlhood. I was a bit disappointed, since there wasn’t much that was appropriate for a thirteen year old." Yes, mommy, the internet is not a good source for these topics--not even your public library will yield much. There are wonderful sources on the internet--the craft sites just amaze me, but its biggest money maker unfortunately is pornography. If just the Christians stopped using porn and its accouterments today, the industry would be in trouble tomorrow.

HT Mrs. Happy Housewife who says she's not desperate. Also at her site I read about Randi's on-line quilting class.

If you had a daughter about to leave the nest, what tip would you add? Or would she know it all by then?


Mrs. Happy Housewife said...


Thanks for the link to my blog. I happened upon your site this morning and it's very interesting. I saw a few of my daily reads on your blogroll (including Semicolon) and I've been reading through your archives. Just wanted to say hi.

Susan said...

I hope by the time my little girls are ready to leave the next I will have figured out a way to delicately suggest to them not to date a boy if he looks at porn...even if she suspects he looks at it. What I wish I knew then. (Of course I would also make the usual godliness, modesty, abstinence, etc. suggestions.)

Norma said...

This was discussed in a Veritas Forum (on-line) by a speaker formerly addicted to porn (he says the addiction is greater than drugs and has a similar affect on the brain). So rather than being delicate about it, I would imagine you'd have to be blunt.

Joan said...

Your blog never disapppoints, Norma. I so much enjoy your variety of topics and your sensible and well-stated approach to whatever subject you choose for the day. I often find myself following link after link from your post -- and have found a number of other daily reads by so doing.

Susan said...

I way beyond delicate on this issue...hopefully by the time my girls leave, porn/sex addictions will be treated like drug/alcohol addictions since they are essentially the same.