Thursday Thirteen

1. Current events. I read three newspapers and a number of political, technical and social blogs and web sites. I check out 3-4 magazines a week from the public library on business, health and politics. I occasionally listen to talk radio and I enjoy C-Span, particularly Book-tv. I’m a neo-conservative who would lean Libertarian if it weren’t for abortion. Even as a Democrat (most of my adult life), I was always pro-life. I grew up pacifist. I know nothing about fiction, popular music, sports, gaming and entertainment.
2. Libraries and librarianship. There are strange goings-on and wonderful technological advancements that I try to keep up with. A side issue is education, but it’s not a field I follow although I think it’s an important issue for everyone to know about. I leave that to other bloggers better informed.
3. Parenting. My children are adults (37 and 38) and have been on their own since they were 18, but I still remember the good, the bad, and the delightful. I am not a grandparent, so you’ll find no cutesy photos on my site. Our two oldest sons died, and occasionally I’ve mentioned it in blogging, but not often. Life if full of losses, and those were definitely defining events in our lives.
4. Finances. We’re living on pensions. It’s amazing how your vocabulary changes to Social Security, 403-b, 401-K, IRA, Wall Street, taxes, real estate, bonds, REITS, etc., when no one is handing you a paycheck for showing up. Neither one of us had any retirement plan until we were in our mid-forties. People coming up are much better informed about this than we were.
5. My family. I grew up in 2 small towns with three siblings, and lots of relatives near-by. I like genealogy and family stories, so I’m the keeper of the tales for my siblings and nieces and nephews. Also I write about my immediate family--husband of 45+ years, two adult children in town.
6. Travel. I’ve blogged about our Frank Lloyd Wright architectural tours and our trip to Germany and Austria, but I’ll blog about anything that takes us on the road or puts us in an airplane, train or bus.
7. My church and my faith. Most of this is at Church of the Acronym. I’m a Lutheran (ELCA), but always test high as a Calvinist (about 100%) if I take a theology quiz. I have zero interest in “end-times” stuff--Jesus is coming back and that’s all I care to know. Everything else is sheer speculation. I grew up in the Church of the Brethren, a tiny, Anabaptist denomination with a strong pacifist and outreach ministry. Now I like traditional services and liturgy and gripe a lot about current trends in music and worship. That’s probably either my age, or because I came to appreciate liturgy late in my life. I joined the choir 2 weeks ago. I could read Martin Luther all day--I think his published work runs to 55-60 volumes. Imagine if blogging had been available!
8. My interest in art. Sometimes I post my paintings here or those of my husband (who is a much better painter). We are both watercolorists, doing more now that we are retired, and are members of a Visual Arts Ministry that works out of our church.
9. My activities with friends. I loved my job as veterinary medicine librarian, but retirement is just plain fun. We're still in touch with our friends from grade school and high school through U.S. mail, via e-mail, and face to face visits when we return to Illinois and Indiana. Work friendships really are hard to keep going, so I’m always looking for new, interesting people to meet, but I hate to be busy so I‘m a careful scheduler.
10. Lakeside, Ohio. We have a summer home in a Lake Erie community on the Chautauqua circuit, so there are lots of activities and events to write about. During the summer months I write a lot of reviews of the entertainment. We’ve been vacationing there since 1974 and bought a home in 1988. A great place for children and for soaking up some art, music and lectures just by walking out the front door.
11. Pets. My cat, a Calico shelter cat, and my grand puppies Abbie and Rosa. My children have a tiny Chihuahua who just recently joined us, and a huge chocolate Lab, a forever-puppy. Growing up I had mostly dogs, and also a horse. I like to paint and draw animals, especially horses. I really enjoy the photos of animals I see on other people’s blogs. Especially cats. Most of them need to lose weight, however.
12. Health issues and research. Some of this is covered at my other blog, Hugging and Chalking. About half of my journal collection in the Veterinary Medicine Library was human medicine or hard sciences, so I got hooked on that topic. Did you know that many doctors write poetry and beautiful essays and publish them in boring medical journals?
13. Writing. Also the wonders and peculiarities of the English language. In addition to writing seven blogs, I’m in a memoirs writing group and occasionally participate in poetry readings using my own poetry. I’ve always written letters to my family and friends, to editors of magazines and government types; also essays and stories, and as a child I also illustrated them. I am an extremely fast typist, which certainly helps in the blogging business. I’ve published in journals you’ve never heard of unless you’re a librarian. I have boxes of half finished research that will never be published because scholarly publishing is a two way street, and the fast lane is intended to advance a career, which I no longer have.
Other readers and Thirteeners who have visited:
1. Joan, 2. Mar 3. R Cubed, 4. Dariana, 5. Mama Mel, 6. Denise, 7. Tanya, 8. Carol, 9. Uisce, 10. Shelli, 11. Nicole, 12. D., 13. Shelli, 14. Stacie, 15. Colleen, 16. Jane, 17. Courtney, 18. Killired. 19. Kelly, 20. Lazy Daisy, 21. Suz, 22. Eph2810 23. Eric, 24. Lena 25. Kontan 26. JK. 27. Kate, 28. Better Safe, 29. Kimmy, 30. Holy Mama, 31. Veronika,
32. Stacie, 33. Lyn, 34. Keb, 35. Ardice,
(TT banner courtesy of Novelist in Training)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things.
Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
This post is very interesting, as usual, Norma! You have one of the most organized minds I have ever glimpsed. As a student of language use, I always enjoy your turn-of-phrase and thought-links.
What a nice post! Thank you for sharing it (and part of yourself). I'm glad I didn't have to look in some stuffy medical journal...
Isn't the blogosphere great?
You have such an interesting blog and I enjoy reading your well-written posts. Not only because English is not my first language and I have lots and lots of room for improvement and learning. Enjoyed reading your TT. My list is up.
I love reading your posts and your TT is no exception. Happy TT!
I don't get a chance to stop by often, but enjoy reading when I do. I liked your 13. Much more intersting and well thought out than mine.
My 13 are up.
You have such a information rich blog! I've enjoyed everything I have read so far.
We just started out 401K 2 years ago...hopefully that wasn't too late!
Happy Thursday!
My 13 are up.
Hi there. Great post - very open.
My 13 are up.
Wonderful list! I can't get over the SEVEN blogs, though. I tried two and couldn't keep those up. You're my hero! :-) My TT are up.
That's quite a plan, and it's surely working! My 13 are up!
Great post as usual. I never knew you had so many blogs! I'm so impressed. I have trouble keeping up 2. LOL
Happy TT!
I just love your writing style, I swear I can hear you talking to me! You've got a great blog here... happy 13, mine are up too!
Great list! ...mine is up:)
This was a great read. You have many interests, how on earth do you find the time to keep up with all of them? Mine are up too. Stacie
I had no idea you lost 2 sons. That must have been so difficult. My sister was killed by a drunk driver in 1995 and I still struggle with the loss.
My 13 are up.
Norma, that was a very informative list. I learned alot about you. We have something in common, the loss of a child (in your case 2). I understand the pain that causes and my heart goes out to you.
I really enjoy reading your blog and learn something everytime.
My 13 are up too.
Always enjoy your lists. So sorry about the loss of 2 children, I'm sure they were defining moments in your life, like you said. I was also raised Lutheran, but on the "religious tests" My results come up very high in Juddaism?!!! lol
My 13 are up
I love when a blog writes about so many different topics. It makes it interesting!
Happy Thursday!
Mine are up.
Diary of the Nello
Wow, so many topics, so little time. I don't thinks I've ever tried to categorize my topics. Good idea though! Thanks for coming by!
Awesome blogging topics :)...
I belong to the LCMS church body, but sometimes I really wonder how Christians (in particular the 'governing body') can be so nasty to each other. I like your statement about endtimes...Jesus is coming back and that is all I care about. I am with you on that.
Thank you for visiting my TT13's
I am one of the "younger set" in many eyes and I appreciate a more traditional liturgical service more than most my age. So, what volume of Luther shall we start with? I'm up and ready for the "blog" discussion!
Oh, and I have posted my thirteen as well.
This is why everyone loves your blog Norma! You're a jane of all trades.
I would like to hear more about #3,5,6,8,9,11,12,& 13 especially. ;)
Hope you're having a happy Thursday!
thanks for stopping by my spot on the web! I'm not sure which is more of a handful...spoiled pets or kids!
what a variety of topics you have!
You have gone through a lot and have a lot of memories to share to younger readers like me. Thank you so much.
Happy weekend. :)
My favorite kind of TT, that tells us all about the blogger. Sounds like you've got a full life!
You always have so much to share. Thank you!
My 13 are up! Sorry I'm getting around late.
Great topics to blog about! Thanks for commenting at my first T13 at Bloggin' Outloud. lgp
What a lovely list! Thank you for visiting my site. I'm glad to make your acquaintance.
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