Monday, June 04, 2007


When guys open up

their hearts fall out. Something amazing happened at my daughter's garage sale on Friday. Two different men, nice looking in the 50-60 age range, told us their deepest secrets and hurts. I think it was because my son-in-law was in the garage. They were really talking to him--my daughter and I just stood by, mouths open, bug eyed.

One guy told SIL that he'd lost his church job because of a personal scandal--he'd come home and found his wife in bed with another--woman. No matter what my SIL injected into the conversation to move on (of sorts, but it was really more like a confessional), the guy just kept giving details. His girlfriend was in the neighborhood interviewing for a job, he said, so he was just filling time at our garage sale.

Then about an hour later, another guy about 60 came in. His t-shirt identified the company, which was one my SIL had had a problem with. So he shared some information on who to call to get an adjustment. From him we found out that he'd been married about a year to a wonderful Christian woman, but his former wife, with whom he'd been in business, had had an affair with a friend via the internet. Good-bye marriage, but he got the property and business. When SIL expressed sympathy, he said, "Oh well, I hadn't been in love with her for 3 years, and she was sort of a flaky tree-hugger, worship-mother-earth type."

Maybe it was the heat. The women who came just walked in, looked, and either bought something or left.

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