Friday, November 16, 2007

How to get a driver's license in Mexico

No biggie. No test or hassle. Of course, driving is a bit more "intuitive," and you might want to think twice before taking your life in your hands. Just have the right papers. I wonder why Gov. Spitzer and Mrs. Clinton didn't think of that.
    "When it comes to acquiring a Mexican drivers license, you can do so without any exams or tests, even if you have never had a previous license. Just take along your passport and your FM-2 or FM-3 and you will be issued a license within an hour at the Secretaria de Transportes y Vialidad. Tourists may drive with an international license or the drivers license of their own country. If you would like to bring your car into Mexico from the U.S. you will need to acquire a permit at the border by leaving a deposit the amount of which corresponds to the model and type of vehicle you're driving. You will also have to buy insurance. Make sure you have an international credit card otherwise you'll find this process a big nuisance. You may then gain entry into the country for a period of up to six months after which your permit (along with your FM-T tourist visa) will have to be renewed." Transportation in Mexico
But don't even think about trying to vote in Mexico using your DL. To vote, you need to be a citizen, and the requirements vary depending on which country you were born in. In some states of the U.S., a driver's license is a passport to voting, which is why so many politicians are lusting after DLs for illegals. It has nothing to do with safety on our highways.

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