Friday, November 30, 2007

Keith Kerr, gay activist

Is there anyone out there who thinks CNN, and particularly Anderson Cooper, didn't know that General Keith Kerr was at the debates to try to embarrass the Republicans about a Clinton presidency regulation called "Don't ask, don't tell." And isn't it a bit disingenuous when obviously, he got to the top of the heap by NOT revealing his homosexuality while he was on his way to general? Gay men must be the only minority (about 1%) who are also the wealthiest, best educated, most insured, most politically active, most mobile, most represented far beyond their numbers in every area of the arts, entertainment and literature, but who still want to be considered victims. Anderson Cooper is our next Dan Rather. Says he just had no idea.


Anonymous said...

Summarized Norma Bruce: Do we have any proof that Anderson Cooper and General Keith Kerr do NOT eat babies and kick kittens? Isn't it disingenuous when they deny the baby-eating and kitten-kicking charges "claiming" they don't eat babies or kick kittens?

Oh, by the way, here are some facts that I made up about gay men which, if true, would be great for my argument.

And how rude was it that some people got to ask questions just because they're American citizens?

Norma said...

Well, you sure have a good ear and good eye. Can't recall anyone bringing up kittens. Is there a point to your comment that makes any sense at all?

Norma said...

Peggy Noonan writes in WSJ:I will never forget that breathtaking moment when, in the CNN/YouTube debate earlier this fall, the woman from Ohio held up a picture and said, "Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, Mr. Edwards, this is a human fetus. Given a few more months, it will be a baby you could hold in your arms. You all say you're 'for the children.' I would ask you to look America in the eye and tell us how you can support laws to end this life. Thank you." Of course, it didn't happen and never would with CNN screening the questions and seeding the audience. No one expects the Lincoln Douglas debates, but CNN looks downright stupid by announcing they want an audience of undecided Republican voters to ask the questions and then get a Clinton hack to try to get his issues front and center.

Anonymous said...

You claim that Anderson Cooper and CNN tried to embarrass the GOP candidates and have no proof other than your "awww, come on now." Hence the baby-eating and kitten kicking exercise -- to demonstrate the absurdity of your statement through exaggeration and more absurdity. "Have you stopped beating your wife?" being the classic, vaudeville example.

Second, does any of that information on gay demographics have a cite? And you reached a specious conclusion anyway.

If gays are so awesomely set-up in our culture and should, in your opinion, hush up about their "oppression" then isn't it correct that people should hush up about the number of books on Evangelical Protestantism since so many of them are wealthy, insured and politically active and count the President among their number?

Finally, why does it matter who asks them what? They are (mostly) big boys and can handle themselves. Are the GOP candidates so fragile and unable to fend for themselves that they need screened, softball questions? How will they deal with the nation's enemies if they can handle a tricky question from a retired military officer?

Norma said...

CNN set the rules, not me, then couldn't even follow them. If Cooper didn't know, then he's dumber than a box of rocks (which I doubt). He just happens to find the only guy who wants to talk about kittens. I think the candidates did just fine--my blog is entirely about the bias of CNN. What's yours about?

Anonymous said...

What amazes me is the Deomocratic candidates were worried about appearing on a debate on Fox. I would assume Fox would vet the questions and those asking the questions.

I would assume Fox would check their lexis, campain donation reports, heck even their own broadcast archives. The good general appeared on CNN and the transcripts are publically available.

CNN should hire some librarians to fact check for them; or perhaps they already have.