Monday, September 22, 2008

The Politics of Hollywood

Chris Matthews observed in an interview this morning that since the beginning of the Cold War in 1947, Hollywood hasn't made a single anti-Communist film. I had just turned on the radio, so I don't know the context. I suppose he meant Hollywood in the genre or form sense, not the place. I have no way of checking that information--even with Google that would be tough, because anymore, what is "Hollywood?" Someone would be sure to find something anti-Mao or anti-Stalin (although that's not anti-marxist, just the person) on film that got swept up. And they even make movies in Ohio--that's flyover country that liberals only visit during presidential campaigns. However, it does make some sense. There have been a lot of movies about WWII, Nazis, and blacklisting Hollywood communists. The Nazis killed far fewer people than the Communists did. Of course, the Communists have been in power longer, and killed millions upon millions of their own citizens (and it continues through starvation in North Korea), not just "others" like Jews, East Europeans, gypsies and the disabled.

But American liberals have out done even the Soviet, Chinese and North Korean Communists. We Americans killed probably well over 40,000,000 unborn babies since the early 70s, and untold millions of Africans by taking DDT off the market--our own Rachel Carson holocaust. Add to that record, our global warming hysteria and regulations which will bring death to people in undeveloped countries. Already our regulation-crazy Democrats have pushed the Iraqis to sell their oil to the Chinese rather than mess with our rules. And in case our warm and fuzzy liberals have forgotten, the Chinese are still Communists who need oil. So, who am I, or Chris Matthews who raised the issue, to criticize the blood money of rich Hollywood investors, producers, directors and actors?


Anonymous said...

You watch Chris. Now I remember your distain for NBC/MSNBC and only watched "fixed News'. I am frankly quite surprised and pleased I may add.You are full of it(surpises that is)

Norma said...

No, I don't watch Chris. He was being interviewed on the radio by Laura Ingraham. It's difficult for conservatives not to be covered up in the liberal viewpoint; liberals on the other hand, rarely get to peek out of their fox holes. I remember those days.

Anonymous said...

you can not turn on the radio but what one of your guys is yelling his point of view over the air waves. The must have many powerful stations willing to let then pontificate. I had to stop listening and go to music because my doc was going to put me on BP med.You must be totally wrapped up in this election. Do you ever do anything for fun or do you consider this your fun. It would seem to be all consuming. it might be wise and make a better blog if you had some 'real" friends to debate issues with.

Norma said...

Thank you for being concerned about my social life and friends. It's really touching that you care. But what's a girl to do? You don't leave a comment when I write about travel, finances, health care, retirement, art, book reviews, religion, recipes, cats, laundry, etc. Yes, it's good to change channels when finding something that raises your BP. I certainly use that freedom, and you should too.