Digital Repositories
Is it just me and my need to rhyme?
To poke fun, or just poke all the time?
Or is it the experience I've had
with these library-wanna-be's bad
that just take a dump and have no class
order or sense up their
just all half-digested, and plain
with nary a librarian to ease the pain.
Digital Repositories--what is it? Your guess is as good as mine.
A librarian has taken offense at my language. That's a hoot (223:1 liberal to conservative). Probably has also objected to filters on the library's computers that protect children and has decided to be a hypocrite. Anyway, for that hypervigilant liberal, I've found a new word to rhyme with "class," that will convey the passage of undigested matter to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.
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