Sunday, June 19, 2005

1150 A brief history of UnAmerica

Eamonn Fitzgerald tells the story of the short lived nation known as UnAmerica.

"Future historians poring over the records will note that as far as longevity goes, the nation known as unAmerica was remarkably short lived. After all, it lasted a mere two years, which is all the more noteworthy given the popular support it once enjoyed and the resources available to it. But just as the great Aztec and Incan civilizations crumbled in the face of change and left puzzling ruins for coming generations to wonder at, unAmerica fell as dramatically as it had risen."

Essay here.


~Jan said...

Sorry, this comment doesn't relate to this post, but I've got insomnia, and I'm clicking through your very excellent links. You've just got to check out my brother's very writerly work of fiction at And thanks for your occasional comments. It makes me feel good to know that I have at least one non-family reader.

Norma said...

I'll certainly take a look. Good writing must run in your family. I wish there were a way to rearrange the blogging software to suit those people who'd like to write so readers could read chapter 1 first, etc.

Feed Fido said...

Your quote need a comment box. Excellent, Durbin really lives up to his first name.

**BTW I am commenting and petting my cat...thought you'd apprecite that.