Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2974 Lawnmower injuries and children

Billo has an interesting story at his blog about children injured by lawn mowers. Over 9,000 injuries a year, and more from power push mowers than riding mowers. 80% of the injuries are to boys--are we surprised? And compare this to the 260 children a year that are injured by firearms. Are there any requirements for parents to lock up their mowers like there are for guns? Can kids ride a lawnmower to school? Should Brian Ross do an expose on lawn mowers? Billoblog has the stats and cites.


Dancing Boys Mom said...

I think you are really on to something here. There should definitely be some sort of legislation. I'm sure every 12-18 yr old boy would really love it if the gov't would ban all under-age lawn mowing. Too bad they can't vote, then maybe their congressmen would listen. ;-)

BTW, new blog: http://mom24bbs.wordpress.com/

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this