Friday, October 20, 2006

The Circleville Pumpkin Festival

Congratulations to our neighbor to the south, Circleville (est. pop. 13,559 in 2005), which is celebrating its 100th festival honoring the pumpkin. We took our children to this about 30 years ago. I had never seen so many food stands in one small space in my life. . . except everything was made from pumpkin. It's cool and rainy this week--as it often is for this celebration.

This image is from "daily dose of imagery," ©2006 sam javanrouh used with permission. He has some terrific photos and he was sweet to let me use this very appropriate photo.

1 comment:

Ginco said...

Oh, what a delicious sight, I could stay there forever - among those wonderful pumpkins! :-)