Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Let's face it, Harry

When I look at the pinched and angry face of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) I see in every line and wrinkle all that's wrong with the United States. I'd like to blame it on boomeritis, but he was born the same year I was, and we're not boomers. But he's overstayed in the Senate, having been there over 20 years, enough to buy and sell a lot of government real estate.

The face of the new America

1) First, we're an aging nation. Being old isn't bad, but we're tossing the common sense and wisdom that usually come with age to dance to the tunes of the 60s and 70s, and abandon our allies to please the war protesters and home-grown Communists who are trying to relive their glory days of smoking weed and frying their brains. Millions of Vietnamese were slaughtered or sent to camps for "reeducation" when we ran out on them, and now we want to leave the Iraqis to the same fate.

2) Second, Reid's mouth is perpetually pursed with the tortured and convoluted reasoning that if you tell your enemy your plans in advance, he'll be cooperative and just wait until you pull out run out to kill any more American soldiers.

3) Third, His beady, narrow, yet strangely puffy eyes, glint with his new found resolve to make a name for himself globally--an old American tradition, if we can believe all the anti-war left tells us about our motives.

4) Fourth, his skin is the ashen color of a man slowly dying from, not too much CO2, but from too much hatred for the Bush administration, so much so he's willing to not just sink the Iraqis, but American soldiers as well.

I know from reading left-wing bloggers that they aren't thrilled with him, but they should be. He be them.


JAM said...

Perfectly stated. Every word.

Anonymous said...

You seem obsessed with people's physical appearance. That's hardly a Christian attitude.


Norma said...

Anon--you've missed the point. Or you're not observant.