Monday, October 13, 2008

And you wonder why I call Obama a marxist?

Actually, the real reason is all those Soviet history courses I took back in college, the PL 480 books I cataloged, and my Chinese roommate whose family lost it all under Mao, but here are three more reasons a bit more current, seen at the Taxman Blog about Obama's interview with Charlie Gibson. Gordon calls it socialism. I think B.O's well beyond that when you look at the encouragement by his campaign of sexism and misogyny, add up the millions coming from foreign countries that will never be investigated because of Congress, the thousands being illegally registered to vote in the swing states that can't be verified because of lack of staff and desire on the part of Democrat officials, and the felons in Florida swamping their ability to check. These are old tactics, maybe a bit more sophisticated than 1917 and 1949, but they still work:
    Listen to Obama's interview.

    1) He doesn't care if the capital gains rate increases Treasury receipts, he's raising it out of "fairness".

    2) Democrats refuse to drill to lessen our energy dependence, even if it means struggling workers pay more for a gallon of gas. Caribou are more important than people....

    3) Never mind that the end result of the Fannie Mae was a worldwide financial meltdown, democrats still think it's a good idea to push loans for people who cannot/will not pay them back.


Anonymous said...

LOL, you, and the other hysterics, are just too funny. None of the things you mentioned are Marxist in the least. I guess he's a Marxist because you say so. And we all know that saying something is so, makes it so.

R. L. said...

I realized there is some confusion here... so.. are you saying that Obama is a Marxist or a Soviet-style Communist? There is a difference.

Norma said...

He's marxist with a lower case m. Not ready for prime time, but working on it. You need to go back to college--or are you a recent product of the public school system and all your profs came out of the 70s?

Read some Black Liberation Theology (Cone), which flows from Liberation Theology, which is pure Marxism. This is what he was spoon fed for 20 years at Trinity, fleshing out the bare bones of his self-hatred and hate for whites. Or, just read his books. It's all there.