Democrats for Life will have to buck their own President
Moral leadership on this issue is important. Democrats are about to put a man in office who believes the outrageous abortion rate among black women is just another informed choice, a decision between a woman and her “health care provider.” This is a parent who would have his own daughters get an abortion if it weren’t a convenient time in their lives (or his career). This is a man who will shut down opposition to his views in the media. Does DFL really think Obama is going to buck feminists and the left on this notification issue? Feminists don’t want to save babies lives--even babies born alive, and neither do Team Obama and its obedient workers and followers! “. . . parental-involvement laws reduce the minor abortion rate by 13 to 31 percent when a state enacts laws to require parental consent or notification before a minor undergoes an abortion.” Story here.I’m on the mailing list for the Pregnancy Distress Center, and when the women’s reasons are listed they are often the boyfriend or her parents doing the pressuring to get an abortion--so what's the plan to reach them?
Wishful Catholics are supporting more help for poor women in hopes that will cut down on abortions. Any ideas from the RCs for college women or wealthy women getting abortions?
I'm not an RC, but knowing human nature, it's quite possible that if given help poor women see that their future belongs with their children, and women of means don't.
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