Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do American schools not graduate any physics students?

Does the Zhong Group at Ohio State University look a little unbalanced to you?


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Justin!

Anonymous said...

Wow . Thats racist of you. Just because someone isn't white you assume they are not American. The fact that someone responded "Thank God for Justin!" and you did not clarify signifies that this in fact was your intended meaning. How shallow.

Norma said...

Maybe you haven't noticed that most Asian Americans have Euro-first names, just as "John" instead of Hans was adopted within a generation or two for Germans, and even Mexican mothers might choose Bridget for their baby girls. It's not racist to notice. I am retired faculty and assisted many international students. It is definitely insulting for you to suggest that recognizing their country of origin, in which they have great pride, is racist on our part.