Thursday, October 02, 2008

Faith Votes Columbus

is funded by National Industrial Areas Foundation, a Chicago-based community organizing network established in 1940 by Saul Alinsky. IAF provides training and consultation, furnishes organizers, and develops national strategy for its affiliated broad-based community organizations [i.e., community organizers--like Jesus]. You can follow the interview of a Faith Votes worker who was picking up, taking to registration and telling homeless voters to vote for Barack Obama at this video. I think it is the third interview on the tape that shows the illegal behavior.

Saul Alinsky was an American marxist who died in 1972. His son is proud that his father's handiwork footprint was so visible at the recent Democratic convention, and on Obama. Sen. Clinton was also one of his disciples. Clinton actually knew Alinsky; Obama did not--too young. He just taught from his marxist playbook being one of the best and brightest of those trained by the IAF--certainly light years ahead of the woman interviewed on this tape who needs to go back for a bit more training in how to talk to the press!

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