Saturday, October 11, 2008

From Marx to Bernacke

She writes:"Yes, the proximate cause (trigger, really) of this unfolding meltdown is the mortgage crisis. And this we have courtesy of Barney Frank, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Obama’s ACORN, and their collective PC folly that home ownership is a right and not something to be earned. But the foundational cause is that ancient, yet ever-ascendant humanism which holds that Man knows better than God: “This fruit doesn’t look dangerous; License, not submission, brings fulfillment; Government, not Providence, can be our safety net; Paper, not Nature’s gold, will be our money”, (and will conveniently enrich those who control it). The list is endless.

Now comes the day of reckoning. The piper waits, but we’re unable to pay. The house of cards has fallen. We’ve been dancing with a harlot dressed like a bride, but now the veil is lifted. Pick whatever metaphor you please - almost all of them apply."

From Marx to Bernacke

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