Friday, October 17, 2008

Global cooling suggested

Don't buy those funny light bulbs yet. The regular ones help heat your home. Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting we're going into a cooling period and they're not looking at fuzzy caterpillars crossing the road.
    These factors—the cooling Pacific, the yet-to-cool Atlantic, and the historical reduction in recent solar activity—suggest that a staggered cooling period could continue. Absent from most headlines about global warming is a discussion of measures suggesting that the warming has ceased and a cooling may have begun. For example, deep-ocean heat content has not increased during the past five years. Looking at just one year, from January 2007 to January 2008, we find that satellite-derived atmospheric temperatures indicate that Earth was about one degree Fahrenheit cooler at the beginning of 2008 than it was at the beginning of 2007. The United Kingdom's Hadley Centre ocean and land temperature records show cooling in the last seven to ten years.


Anonymous said...

The government will need to shut down that subversive publication when it takes down talk radio.

R. L. said...

Not up north.