Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Humanitarian Design

Where I grew up in rural Illinois, we called this a chicken coop. Now it's called good design, and it's what architects with a social conscience have come up with for Biloxi. Read about it here.

Usually I recommend an architect designed home as superior to anything you can find in a book or magazine, but I have to disagree here. . . "As they faced utter devastation, many didn’t know they could do better than buy plans from hardware stores or use drawings that church groups had downloaded from the Internet. “It opened opportunities to do things people hadn’t thought about before,” " Where is Better Homes and Garden house plans when you need them?


Anonymous said...

As we used to say, butt-ugly.

R. L. said...

I guess it all depends upon where you were before. I'll bet it's nicer than a slum-lord apartment.

Norma said...

Sort of racist of you to assume black people wiped out by a storm didn't own their own homes--or didn't own rental buildings. Liberals are so transparent. I wonder if they'll come back to paint that tiny front porch.