Kill your parents and the fork salute
The legacy of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who are mentors, friends and advisors of Barack Obama, lives on in their adoptive/foster son (whose birth parents received the prison sentence they should have) who is also unrepentent. See Roots of a Rhodes Scholar Radical, book review at HNN (2002 long before Obama set his hat for the WH). In case you don't remember, the "fork salute" refers to the Manson murders. Dohrn thought Manson was inspirational. “First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!” And apparently, the Obamas didn't mind eating with the Ayers family either.
Freedom of information, Barack-style.
"The mainstream media, in their zeal to elect a Democrat, are assiduously airbrushing Ayers: “an aging lefty with a foolish past,” as the Chicago Sun-Times has so delicately put it. In fact, it is the press that is rife with foolish, aging lefties. Ayers, by contrast, is an unapologetic terrorist with a savage past — one who beat the system he so reviles when, after his years of fugitivity, terrorism charges were dropped due to government surveillance violations. He’s “guilty as sin,” by his own concession, but “free as a bird.” " The company he keeps
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