Sunday, October 19, 2008

Top Tear Jerker movies

I think I'd agree with most of these, except I'm old enough to remember the Lassie movies and the original National Velvet.
1. Bambi (1942)
2. Ghost (1990)
3. The Lion King (1994)
4. E.T. (1982)
5. Titanic (1997)
6. Beaches (1998)
7. Philadelphia (1993)
8. Watership Down (1978)
9. Boys Don’t Cry (1999)
10. Steel Magnolias (1989)

However, this is the one that will make you weep buckets, Gallant Bess (1947). I probably had to be carried home. What's the saddest movie you ever saw?

Seen at Neatorama. I had to visit there because Laundress must still be sick from cleaning her basement. Her site was a one stop for the odd and unusual.


PG said...

No Shadowlands? (movie based on C.S. Lewis's marriage) Jennifer Crusie said it will make you cry until you throw up. I didn't throw up, but it is a tear jerker.

Norma said...

If I saw it, it didn't leave an impression.