Friday, October 03, 2008

We've heard this tune before

I don't know about the neo-nazis I never read their stuff, but the far left anti-semitism is certainly on the rise, encouraged by the huge growth of the USA's Muslim population, which now exceeds the Jewish population. Yes, remember this from the 1930s? Or at least the history books we used to have--it's probably all been revised. It's all the fault of those "Jewish bankers." I tell you, folks, you're buying into a package here with Team Obama and his leftist handlers. The left can always find a reason to blame the Jews and especially our ally Israel.

Store here.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. And I always thought Mel Gibson was a republican.

R. L. said...

So.. how do you know the rise in anti-semitism is "far left anti-semitism"? There was certainly nothing even in the article you linked that even remotely hinted at that. In fact, I'm willing to bet that anti-semitism is a much bigger problem on the far-right than it is on the far-left.

Pat Robertson, in one of his books, blamed some of our problems on Jewish bankers. I have NEVER seen anything on the left that blamed problems on jewish bankers. However, if you can cite one for me, I'm willing to accept that it has happened at least that once.

One more point. Criticizing some of Israel's actions, or accepting that the Palestinians may have some legitimate complaints, does not make a person anti-semitic.

Anonymous said...

I guess you guys don't read left wing blogs. There's one tiny democracy surrounded by Islamic rgimes, but Israel is always wrong on the left.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon-

Got a link, or does just saying something make it true?

R. L. said...

Oh.. while I'm thinking about it, how about Ann Coulter's comment that she'd like Jews to become Christian, because "...we just want Jews to be perfected."

I can't stress this enough: being against Israeli policy is not the same thing as being anti-semitic.

Norma said...

Can't believe you read Ann Coulter.

Norma said...

Can't believe you read Ann Coulter.

R. L. said...

LOL.. I read a fair number of Conservative blogs and columnists.

Coulter is hard to stomach sometimes. She frequently chooses to sound clever over being factual or informative.

Norma said...

Don't think I've ever read an Ann Coulter book but I think there were some librarians, or was it teaching faculty, trying to get her book banned in Ohio.