Monday, May 23, 2016

Obama's EEOC and toilets, and the LGBT agenda for churches

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ordered the U.S. Army to accommodate a male-to-female transgender soldier by punishing anyone who persists in using male pronouns or bars the soldier from using women’s restrooms.

For good measure, everyone in the Army has been sentenced to eight hours of “sensitivity training” on transgender issues. The order was signed by Bernadette B. Wilson, acting executive officer, Executive Secretariat. Does that sound all-American? we’re talking about a horse, “secretariat” is the language of authoritarianism, not a free republic." (Washington Times "The Dawn of Totalitolerance")
An example of our a regulatory bureaucracy out of control. In 2012 EEOC declared that transgendered were a protected class under Title VII, and from that, it continues to threaten and malign American citizens and employers. As near as I can tell from reading various EEOC factsheets on litigation, all that is involved is notifying the employer that one is not conforming to "stereotypes." No counseling, no surgery, no hormones necessary--it's the thought that counts, apparently.
 Obama is extorting the citizens of NC and putting their children in jeopardy. Parents are suing. Obama's interpretation of Title IX, which bans discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational institution that receives government funding, is just wrong. The word "sex" was never intended to put men in women's locker rooms.
Until recent EEOC regulatory decisions to change the definition of sex, women had finally gotten some protections. The Obama administration is changing that with redefining male and female.

Using toilets or getting athletic scholarships isn't the only problem with fluid gender fantasies of the left. What about those angel investors trying to give female owned businesses a boost? Will they be charged, fined or jailed for being transphobic if they reject a guy feeling fluid who can't get an investor the old fashioned way?

 What about gender fluidity and special awards/contests for women artists, women authors, women innovators/inventors, there are organizations for women lawyers, architects, doctors, and veterinarians, and female pastors have their own clubs and retreats. Women librarians (80% of the profession) have nothing special to attract women, because they try to recruit men to keep the salaries up. And anything special for LGBT would just look silly given the demographics of the profession.
 There's an easy solution to the LGBT agenda for Protestant churches. Take the smidgen of Lutherans, and the dollop of Methodists, and the drop in the bucket of Baptists, and the large task force of UCC'ans and forge your own denomination. Do the tough work of working out a theology. You should get between 100-300,000 members which is actually larger than a lot of Protestant groups. You'll have no gospel, but at least you'll allow others to preach the good news and then you can stop squabbling over your sexual identity.

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