Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Women are the problem

"How do we start dealing with what's happening?" asks Roberta Garber in the April 19 Columbus Dispatch story about poverty's new address in Franklin County (Columbus) Ohio.

For starters, read your own research. You start with women. Dump the feminist, anti-male agenda, and start preaching and teaching marriage--in the schools, the homes, the churches, the housing codes, the books, the newspapers, the libraries and the community organizations. Stop promoting and glamorizing the celebrities who have 2 or 3 babies either before marriage, or skip marriage all together, whether Fiddy or Goldie or that smirky Sarandon. Call 'em what they are: The Pied Pipers of Poverty.

Nearly one half of all female headed families with young children lived in poverty in our county in 2004, while only 3% of married couples do. Hello! How much more writing needs to be on the wall, blackboards and social-worker flip charts to tell us that white, bored, middle and upper class women of the 70s and 80s fed the whole nation a huge plate of cow poopy, beginning with the idea that we had to kill babies first in order to have career choices and keep children from being poor or deformed, then rubbing our noses in it with trumped up salary discrepancy statistics.

Ms. Garber, look at your data dates. 1970-2004. Franklin County population grew by 27.9% and the poor grew by 59.1%. What else took off in those 35 years? Militant feminism. We had a Democratic congress for most of that time, a Democratic city government in Ohio's three largest cities, and tenured liberals in our state and premiere colleges and universities. All they've been able to come up with is more of the same.

Time to start fresh. Begin by admitting the women and all their male lackies in NOW, the unions, and universities, were wrong.

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