Monday Memories

This photo is a bit fuzzy, but it is my husband and his mother (possibly Mother's Day) Spring 1968. We bought the house right after a big snow storm, and we were anxious to see what would come up in the Spring. There is the magnolia tree right behind them, and some wonderful daffodils (had already bloomed) that continued on another 10-15 years. There's the mighty oak tree in the front yard that didn't drop its leaves until February, the tree my husband says he doesn't miss one bit. Our drive-way was separated from the neighbor's by some very messy, straggly bushes that eventually we cut way back in order to get them to fill out.
My children wouldn't remember that the house across the street was painted white then. Early in the 70s the paint was blasted off to reveal a wonderful "used brick" pattern, not popular in the early 40s when it was built, but right in fashion in the 70s. Our house was still white then, with black shutters. About 7 or 8 years later we took off the shutters and painted it a light gold with a darker trim color. It had a standing seam metal roof with bits of green and black roof paint from an earlier day, so we also painted that--tan I think. I'm sure my in-laws made a huge fuss over our baby daughter, and this may have been their first visit both to see her and our new home. June was a lovey, gushy grandmother who adored all her grandchildren and thought they could do no wrong.
Great picture and wonderful memories!
Hate to say this, Norma, but you've been tagged to do a food meme.
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