Tuesday, May 15, 2007


My current choice

Harris Sherline has an editorial at American Daughter about the choices Republicans have at this point in the 2008 campaign. Romney is the only one I'd support. So I left this comment.
    I realize there are no perfect candidates, but here's how I make my choice. No womanizers who will have constant stories being leaked to the press from the angry ex's and the other party; no one with cancer, even in remission, because the stress of the campaign could cause it to return and then we'll either have the wife or the Veep running the country; no one who has deserted his wife and married money. That only leaves Romney of the top contenders. This is a problem, not for me, but some Republicans are living in the 19th century. So maybe we need to also look and see if the bench is deeper than we think. Someone who will be realistic about our borders and illegals; someone who will do some of the fiscal things Bush promised, like fixing SS; someone who understands terrorism isn't going to go away with nicey talk; someone who has character, charm and a good television presence just for those voters who never look any further. Someone like Tom Tancredo.


JAM said...

I grudgingly have to agree with you, grudgingly because I'm so dissappointed with the current field.

I'd still vote for Fred Thompson though, if he does run.
I can't hardly keep up with you just on this one blog. Every time I show up here, you have three or four more posts!

Unknown said...

I agree with you but mostly because I am from Salt Lake and I worked with the olympics and saw first hand how Mitt worked with our city and his leadership ability is amazing.