Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Both remarks are way out of bounds

On national TV . . ."Last night the esteemed David Letterman (why does anyone watch him?) joked that Sarah Palin’s attendance at a Yankees game went well until “her daughter got knocked up by Alex Rodriguez” (Audience laughter)." That was from a commenter at another blog. Who only made it worse by suggesting . . . what if. . . "How about joking about nappy-headed ‘hos in the White House, Mr Letterman? Oh no, can’t do that, dissing the kids of da Prez."

Both remarks are sexist and disrespectful to women and sexualize children. Letterman also said Palin looked like a slutty flight attendant. But yes, on national TV you can make sexist and sexually abusive and threatening remarks about rape of a white teen-ager, daughter of a Republican governor, but you dare not make a remark about a black first lady and her daughters--not because of their position, but because of their race. Those are the really low, rock bottom, dragging on the ground, post-racial standards of the Democrats and their backers in the entertainment industry and the media. Congratulations, folks, you're even worse than we imagined.


Hokule'a Kealoha said...

Scum is right. I am sick of this whole business. Leave the girl alone Letterman has kids, they are fair game, he knows that and should just leave it.

Lady-Light said...

It was a disgusting, crude remark; unfortunately reminiscent of American culture where 'anything goes.'
That is one of the main reasons I do not watch television anymore; most programs are geared to the lowest common denominator.
(I read about it; did not watch it.)