Friday, June 12, 2009

Naked legs

We live across the street from a golf course. 99% of the men seem to wear shorts (knee length) when they play golf. Why is that? And mostly the same color--khaki, beige, buff, cream or taupe. Are there no bugs on golf courses? Do your calves need to be exposed to hit a golf ball? They even wear shorts when it's cool. When it rains. In the fog. When it's 87 in the shade. All the golfers in the TV and newspaper Flomax commercials are wearing long pants. They seem to have a good time and play a decent game. Tiger manages to wear long pants and he's a pretty fair golfer, so what's with the naked legs?


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Well Norma, for one thing, Tiger isn't allowed to wear shorts in a PGA event. Plus you are streatching it a bit when you say men wear shorts it cool weather. They do have limits. Basically it's all about comfort. Besides, wearing long pants in early morning rounds tends to get the cuffs wet from the dew plus golfers hit balls in stange places like creeks and ponds. Many times they think they can hit their ball out of these places. By wearing shorts they spare the other people on the course from seeing them strip down to play the next shot!

Norma said...

Thank you, Murray. You have answered something I've wondered about since moving here. Wet cuffs.
But you're a bit further north. In central Ohio, the shorts come out at about 40 degrees and last through the fall.

Anonymous said...

Men and women wear shorts for comfort,I believe. I know I do and while so doing wish my legs looked better but that does not keep me from wearing them. I have seen teens wear shorts in the winter,something I understand from the comfort stand point but gosh, that has to be cold! I often see more guys in shorts than gals on my walks... but the fashion cops do not patrol my walk path,thank goodness...and so it goes

Norma said...

By fashion police, she means me.

Anonymous said...

People are slaves to fashion, that's why. The coolest outfit on a hot day isn't shorts, but a loose fitting skirt about knee length that allows some air flow. Sorry guys. Shorts are not for public places.