Thursday, December 02, 2010

Happy Birthday--EPA Turns 40

Lisa Jackson can sure put a happy face on a government entity that costs us billions. Oh, she says, but it employs 1.5 million people. That's how a bloated government looks at this--how many bureaucrats have jobs! She vastly underestimates the job security these agencies provide. Each grant whether to academe or states requires a bevy of researchers and staff with clerical peons and supplies all the way down to the waste basket and ink cartridges for the preliminary reports no one reads, to the HR departments that oversee the diversity quotas on the job.

Lisa P. Jackson: The EPA Turns 40 -

It's not that EPA is any different than say, the USDA, which no longer is set up to help to farmers, but instead to assist consumers. Its direct feeding programs for breakfast, lunch and snacks at schools employ many thousands of people, some on site handing out food, other packaging it, others delivering it, and some just printing the posters that must be visible at every feeding site, "With justice for all."

One of the richest counties in the country--Fairfax in Virginia--with a median income of $122,000 per household and a very low unemployment rate also has 42% of its kids eligible for school food aid from USDA. How else to keep all those government workers employed and the unemployment rate down?

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