Sunday, December 05, 2010

Just say no

This was not the scene--it was the dad

This morning a young family with five children was enjoying breakfast where I have my coffee. Gorgeous kids and parents. But lively. Oh my. Lots of screaching. Some rolling on the floor. Some dismantling. I just can't imagine my mother saying something like, "We need to think about. . . [using our quiet voice; sitting in our chairs; not running around when people have hot coffee]" if I had been acting up in public. Although I sat through a lot of Mary Evans' classes at FCC when I was a young parent, and that's what we were taught to say 40 years ago.

Please moms, just say No. The kids know what you mean and are probably confused that you seem to be leaving the choice up to them.


Anonymous said...

They probably do say no at home. You heard their public voice.

Anonymous said...

Look at the expression on that little kid's face: I think he's really saying (through all his fussing), "Somebody, please take control of me!"
