Wednesday, December 01, 2010

How WikiLeaks should have been handled

William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection says Obama is the hapless, helpless 1979 Jimmy Carter of our era, and the Harold Koh [State Department] letter was/sounded like (paraphrased) this:
    Dear Wikileaks,

    Please give us our stuff back because it was really mean of you to take it and give it to all your friends.


    Harold Koh

Here is the letter which should have been delivered months ago:
    Dear Wikileaks,

    If you publish any more material we will hunt you down no matter the cost, and you either will be killed while resisting arrest or you will spend the rest of your lives in solitary confinement in a Supermax prison, where the highlight of your day will be 1 hour spent in a cage instead of your cell. Don't look up, that sound of propellers in the air is not a Predator drone.


    Harold Koh

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