It's been a terrific week at Lakeside--even my bursitis pain has been under control most days. I've been carrying my new folding blue cane with me everywhere, but have only used it once. Week 5 I had given up walking the lakefront and went to the wellness center instead and always accept a ride in a golf cart when I could.
We returned on Saturday with everything in great shape--Mark had been trimming the bushes, watering, raking and washed the deck. Phoebe had everything spotless and put fresh sheets on the beds. We all went out for lunch and then they headed for home--and probably a rest! It was very hot the week they were here, so they skipped the "Guess Who" performance, which I heard from my friends was fabulous.
That evening the program was Wynonna Judd and The Big Noise. It was a super evening, packed the house, and that woman has a range I've hardly ever heard. There's no better place to show off a big voice than Hoover Auditorium. She really didn't do much "country," so those who stayed away because they don't like that genre, missed a lot. We left after her last song, but I understand she continued for another 30 minutes. I could have done without her remarks about her mother, as I don't think she'd be where she is today if it hadn't been for "The Judds." She had great rapport with the children and invited them to the stage for photos and selfies.

Sunday was a VERY full day, with some surprises. It was the day for the Raccoon Run (5 mile marathon), so the lakefront church service was moved to the gazebo which got a huge overhaul in the spring, and now has pavers and new benches. Then we went to the Patio Restaurant with my friend Nancy for lunch. After a nap I headed for the Heritage Hall lecture about Confederate monuments in the north (we have one here on the peninsula on Johnson's Island). Nancy went with me, and was anxious to leave before Q & A, but I didn't think much about it. When we got to the cottage I got a big surprise--Bob had planned, and pulled off, an 80th birthday party for me (which was 50 days early). Lots of laughter, and great food from Bassett's. One of the best cakes I've tasted.
That evening we went back to the gazebo to hear a polka band from Chardon. They were very good and the hot weather had disappeared--only beautiful wind and sunset over the lake.
It was the end of the art show. Bob got a second place ribbon and it sold, so we had some cash on hand. The other painting, which was actually the best (of our neighbors watching the regatta), was sold to the subjects.
On Monday I did go to the program on -- well, something about the planets, but didn't stay long. That afternoon I attended the book discussion at the Lakeside Women's Club of "Lillian Boxfish takes a Walk" by Kathleen Rooney. Bob and I then attended the Backstage at Hoover tour, which was great fun and so interesting. Lakeside is trying to raise money to replace this 91 year old structure in the back of Hoover where the performers dress and bring in their props. There are some programs we can't provide because there is no room for the equipment or instruments.
That night we had a pot luck for the communion servers and ushers for the 8:30 service on the lakefront. We don't necessarily know the people Bob serves with, so spent some time introducing ourselves and chatting. A sudden storm blew up and God blessed us with a fabulous rainbow--which you can see behind us between the 2nd and 3rd pillar.
After the potluck we drove to the train station near the mobile home park in south Lakeside for a "book in hand" performance of a play by George Bernard Shaw by the LKSD Playreaders. Then home to bed. . . tired but happy.
The Tuesday program at the Lakeside Women's Club was "Hers and Hymns: Women composers and Lyricists with soprano Jeanine Donaldson of Lorain and Errol Browne, her accompanist who also sang. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings I attended lectures on Zero Energy Buildings by Ann Edminster. Our neighbors were out of town, so we had their son Jack, 14, for dinner Tuesday evening. He's a really sweet guy--going into high school, and now sails lasers and wins races, so he doesn't need our model sailboat on our porch which fascinated him 4 years ago. The girls are starting to hang around their cottage which we can see from our front porch.
On Wednesday afternoon I sat in on a group discussion of Artists' Way led by Dee (Baker) a UMC retired pastor at the lovely Idlewyld Bed and Breakfast. In the evening we had dinner with the Barrises at their B & B with Dee and her husband. Wednesday evening was the opening of the 2019 symphony season with our new director, Daniel Meyer. Dvorak (violin concerto in A minor) and Tchaikovsky (Symphony no. 4 in F minor) made it a very exciting evening with guest violinist Jinjoo Cho who has been here a number of times. We've been sitting in the aisle with all the residents of the nursing home so that I can stay on a flat surface.

On Thursday evening it was wonderfully cool and low humidity. After dinner on the deck and a stroll to the lakefront to sit on a bench to watch the boaters, we enjoyed the group RUNA at Hoover with tunes of Ireland and Scotland in jazz, bluegrass, flamenco and blues. Later this morning I'll go to another Chef Stacy class. This evening is Sandy Patti who always puts on a great show.
Tomorrow evening (that's week 8) there is a volunteer recognition picnic under a tent near the lake, and then at 8:15 the second performance of the symphony with
Verb Ballets, a contemporary company. The program includes Felix Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony, Adagio for Two Dancers and Carmen Suite.