Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anthropogenic global climate change

That big word means simply, "human caused,"--it's the same word stem as "anthopology" the study of humans, or "anthopomorphic," giving God human qualities or attributes. Anthropogenic global climate change theories and worries may be the absolute height of ANTHROPOCENTRICITY, the belief that humans are the most significant entity of the universe and everything must be interpreted in terms of our experience, especially science. Are you ready to come down a notch or two.

The human contribution to the greenhouse effect is 0.28%. Ocean biologic activity, volcanoes, decaying plants, animal activity, etc. (none of which we can control) accounts for 4.72%, and 95% of it is caused by water vapor. Feel better now? Less guilty or more helpless? If these stats make you feel more helpless, it's because of your wanting to feel powerful, the root is your anthropocentricity. If you feel less guilty, then you probably suspected all along they were feeding you a load of crap.

And here's some more. The human contribution to sources of CO2 emissions is 3.4%. Nature does the rest--96.6%.

Every region, state and city seems to be writing and passing standards and legislation for either green house gases, or CO2 emissions or both while we the voters watch Dancing with the Stars or cheer the Buckeyes or pull our hair out over the Bengals. Wake up America. They are stealing our country (what we haven't already destroyed with sloth, gambling, pornography, hedonism, and turning away from God) with massive e-regulations you never voted on that will put Kyoto to shame. The EPA is expanding at such a rate, that the head may soon have to fight Hank Paulson to determine who is the most powerful!

Ohio is already loaded with this alternative-save-the-planet stuff, with only lip service being given to the economic advantages of clean coal, which is God's stored sunshine and energy just waiting for us to be grateful. And don't you think the rest of the country isn't eyeing Lake Erie--the next battle over water will make fights over oil look like squabbles on the playground!

Read this policy analysis on the expanding authority of the EPA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

‘I don't see how a solar panel is going to power a steel industry, how a solar panel is going to power a railway network… There is somebody keen to kill the African dream, and the African dream is to develop. We are being told don't touch your resources, don't touch your oil, don't touch your coal; that is suicide.’ A Kenyan and Americans are being told the same thing.