Thursday, October 09, 2008

Let's stop grilling CEOs

For now. I don't care if they make $90 million a minute, if it's legal and their stockholders don't object. Franklin Raines (formerly of Fannie Mae) made far more than Hillary Clinton and Barney Frank who both make way more than I do, and after the first million or so, I lose track of who is being greedy.

First, let's serve up some toasted Congress for public heckling, disgrace, fines and prison.

So just how did a little ACORN bring down the mighty oak of our economy? By manipulating some very vague regulations about how banks should treat low income applicants for mortgages in a social engineering law of the 1970s. Doesn't this sound innocent enough? But it's a recipe for blackmail once ACORN started realizing they could rake in big money from the government by spinning off smaller groups to get government grants (millions and millions from HUD) and big pay-offs from the banks (more millions in hush money).
    The OCC encourages community and civic organizations, government, and other members of the public to express their views about a bank’s CRA performance to the bank and the OCC at the earliest possible time. This allows the bank to address any concerns and the OCC to take the public’s views into account in evaluating the bank’s CRA record and reaching conclusions about its performance ratings. If those comments are sent to the OCC, the OCC will also consider them when reviewing applications covered by the CRA. OCC Link
Some of you "get" the voter fraud stories we see about ACORN every election cycle--just 6,000 votes have determined a president in Ohio [Carter], the swing state, and this year they probably bussed in that many homeless in our one week marathon of register and vote the same day. Fox is all over this story today. Why not go directly to START? Voters and investors should be more outraged about how they've set in place the machinations to destory your retirement income (46% of Americans are invested in the stock market which has just recently lost trillions).

“Critics of the notion that CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) had a major impact on the subprime crisis ask how a law passed in 1977 could have caused a crisis in 2008? The answer has a lot to do with ACORN — and the critical years of 1990-1995.”

Read the whole story. Planting Seeds of Disaster; ACORN, Barack Obama, and the Democratic party. By Stanley Kurtz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's start with Barney; we probably need Hillary.