Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sowell says we don't deserve Obama

"The media alone are not alone in keeping the facts from the public [on the Democrats' responsibility for the meltdown/bailout]. Republicans, for reasons unknown, don’t seem to know what it is to counterattack. They deserve to lose.

But the country does not deserve to be put in the hands of a glib and cocky know-it-all, who has accomplished absolutely nothing beyond the advancement of his own career with rhetoric, and who has for years allied himself with a succession of people who have openly expressed their hatred of America." Do Facts Matter?


Anonymous said...

59% of voters would like to throw Congress out and start over again according to the latest Rasmussen Reports. Since the Dems are in the majority looks like the people know who is to blame.

R. L. said...

LOL. It's almost sad to see Repubs melt down and resort to Chicken Little syndrome. THE SKY IS FALLING! IF OBAMA IS ELECTED THE WORLD WILL END!

Honestly, you guys are slaying me.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who knows more about the economy--an economist or a hit and run blog reader?

R. L. said...

LOL.. if that was directed at me, I find it hilariously funny. Calling me a hit and run blog reader (and you're posting anonymously) is just too ironic for words.

Secondly, Sowell is not talking about the economy, or economics, he is talking about about Republican responses (or lack of) to Obama. So, I really have no idea of what you are referencing. I didn't say word one about Sowell being wrong about his analysis of the economy.

Norma said...

"The current financial bailout crisis has propelled Barack Obama back into a substantial lead over John McCain — which is astonishing in view of which man and which party has had the most to do with bringing on this crisis."

Maybe you should have read Sowell's article before assuming there was nothing about economics in it.

R. L. said...

I didn't assume anything Norma, I merely commented on what you had posted. And my comments stand. I was critiquing his overtly political comments, not his economic ones. And I think his hysteric comments in the bottom paragraph deserve ridicule.

Norma said...

Being a librarian you probably know it's not nice to post the whole article. You sneakily paste the part you agree with then post a link (just as librarians at the reference desk point).

R. L. said...

Absolutely. And I don't feel the need to address the entire article. Just the part that was posted and that seem pretty hysterical to me. That is, to me, becoming a theme for the Republicans at the moment. OMG, OMG.. IF OBAMA IS ELECTED [insert dire prediction, no matter how ridiculous, here]

I'm not faulting you for only posting part of the article. I'm just pointing out to Anon that I wasn't questioning Sowell's economic statements, just his political one. LOL, really, this isn't that difficult.