Blogs that make me think

Janeen gave me a thinker's award, and then I'm supposed to list 5 more bloggers that make me think. I didn't know it would be so hard, then I discovered that after I browse through my links, that I often check out their links, and that is the direction from which I learn a lot. My own blog entries usually originate with reading 3 papers and several magazines, then I do the research. I discover many new blogs that way.
Like me, Janeen lives in Ohio and is a Christian--check out the additional 15" of snow they woke up to on Easter morning. Now they have a total of 36". Al Armist Gore is going to stop by and help out with his snow plow. We wish!
So Janeen makes me think about little children and food allergies (my family didn't have any) and how important it is to have a can-do spirit and a sense of humor. If you have allergies, she's got some great recipes.
Another mommy blogger I visit is Dancing Boys Mom--she only had three when I first started reading her blog, now she's expecting number four on the 16th, and I've been following the pregnancy. Originally her due date was the 5th. I think she's a bit uncomfortable. Yes, that'll make you think. She's dealing with celiac disease, something I knew nothing about.
Then there's a bunch of siblings and cousins I like to read, and I'll count this for two: Carol, Beth, Joan and Jane. However, Joan is the one I read most frequently because her website doesn't act up and she likes to write about words and learning.
Lazy Daisy always has wonderful spiritual insights as food for thought. She's a missionary and has beautiful, uplifting entries.
Women are just social beings--can't get around it. They love to visit and exchange recipes and ideas and photographs. Many of my link-to-ladies do memes every day, so I skip over those, and often move on to the medical, legal or political blogs.
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. There are two versions of the award--I'm having so much trouble linking to Janeen this morning, try her site for the other color.
Thanks for the honor. I'm glad I make someone think. I can't do much of that myself during pregnancy. I'll have to blog on this later.
I'm familiar with Lazy Daisy and she does have a wonderful blog. I'll have to check out your other nominees. Love your Monday Memories picture by the way!!
Thanks for the honor. I have listed my 5. I'm glad I make you think!
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