Prom wasn't this tough when I was in school

This is a photo of a permission slip for . . . well, read it here. I didn't know things were this bad in schools. Are the children totally out of control or do administrators just not have enough to do? Maybe the folks who want to reinstate Bible reading and Creationism are right. Story at
Travelin' Librarian.
It's not really for permissions per say, it's so they can count how many people are coming and how much money they make off of it. They don't care who comes and goes as long as they get their money.
This sounds like more than a count:
"This permission slip/agreement has to be signed by A, A's parent, B, B's parent, and A's principal. . .the permission slip/agreement must also be signed by B's school principal. In other words, the principal of school B has veto power over something that student B is doing on their own time and has nothing to do with the school that this second principal is responsible for!"
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