Terrorism, war, pestilence and immorality
OK. That's out of the way. How about global warming? When BP starts running full page ads in the Wall Street Journal about energy by the bushel, it's time to stockpile some food. We have perfectly wonderful stores of decayed vegetation called petroleum, coal and shale which will do fine while entrepreneurs are encouraged and given a chance to wean us off the gas tank and fuel oil. But no, through the hysteria of ALarmist Gore, a political has-been looking for another run at the White House, in combination with global energy companies who see a cheaper way to stick it to us, we're going to plant oceans of corn and burn that. Maybe this is a good case for evolution--we're on our way to the amazing shrinking human brain with the help of liberals, greenies, fanatics and global capitalists.Did the media front the Don Imus story?

Did you see any of the major papers today? The Imus "nappy headed Ho" story is getting more ink than the finding that the Duke University lacrosse players' rape story was a complete hoax from start to finish. That works well for the MSM because they bought right into the outrageous railroading of those kids. Even good old (and I do mean old) Lionel Tiger got into the fray in WSJ today, scolding Imus, pointing out how this is street language regularly applied to black women by black men, but then excusing them because (shock and horror), during slavery times, black men weren't allowed to protect and marry their women. Well, what about the late 19th century and early 20th century Professor Tiger? Black men had no problem doing the right thing then, and black women were probably even stronger then. That is such an old, limp, tired academic excuse. Plus, white guys are following right along, shacking up, dissing women, and buying the music that makes rappers worth only 50 cents rich. What's their excuse?
Don Imus can't steal anyone's joy, not for a minute or a lifetime, and those young ladies better get a bit tougher. Their coach did them a terrible disservice--she could have been strong, but she was a sucker for the media. She could have been bigger than Imus. ("Don Who? Don Ho?") But an out of control prosecuter can certainly steal the life and reputation of anyone falsely accused with the help of bench warmers like the Duke faculty, and "leaders" like Jesse Jackson who offered the accuser a college scholarship. I hope the Duke trustees and alumni shake up those faculty cowards and administrators, and parents boycott the school so that no decent young adult enrolls there.
A new conspiracy machine is at work, of course. 1) Seems Imus has been extremely unkind to Hillary Clinton (particularly in his ridiculing of her body and plumbing, as well as her politics), so the Clinton machine is said to be at work bringing him down. He's small potatoes compared to some of the pols who appeared on his show--now they've been given notice. This can happen to you.
Another conspiracy theory: 2) this is really the back door for liberals to get conservative talk radio closed down. Not that Imus was conservative, by any stretch of the imagination, but we'll be hearing chatter that it needs to be regulated (even though he's been a shock jock for years). Silence the right, even if you've got to kill off one of your own. I've never heard Rush Limbaugh make a racist slur, unless he was repeating one made by the MSM and commenting on it, or ridiculing Kennedy for messing up Obama's name, but a liberal was whining that he leads the way in this degrading language. He'd better be prepared to listen to some tapes.
My vote goes for #2. How about you?
Update: Another conspiracy theory: 3) This Don Imus thing is all about Al Sharpton grabbing the spotlight from Jesse Jackson and trying to be the big negotiator and go-to guy for getting more blacks on TV (will he want them to have proportional representation on athletic teams or continue to dominate the boards and fields because they are better than the other players?). Hip Hop and Rap. Should blacks be proportional in popular culture? Tell us, Big Al, what exactly do you want?
1 comment:
I found your site through RCJ, who once commented on my blog.
Exellently written. I agree-The Imus story has blanketed the front pages across the country, while the wrong that was done to the Duke University students is merely glossed over. Sensationalism-getting in one's 15 minutes of fame with the media-and political correctness are today's bywords. And fear of standing up for the truth (I wrote several posts about this, including my most recent.)
Keep up the fear-less writing!
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