Thursday, December 24, 2009

Senator Brown responds

Just so we know. . . "there is continued debate related to provisions that would establish a public option, insurance reforms, tax credits, and an excise tax on “Cadillac” insurance plans. Additionally, the Senate continues its dialogue on Medicare issues, including provider payment rates, program eligibility, patient access, medical malpractice, and further improving Medicare benefits for the more than 44 million current enrollees."

In other words, they have no idea what they are voting for because no one can figure out the bill, nor have they read it. There's no bone here for pro-lifers, probably because he doesn't have my position on record (I think pro-lifers are being tricked into voting for Reid's bill and Pelosi's), but there is an oblique reference to tort reform, and lots of squishy phrases like "patient access" and "provider payment rates." All I asked was why he didn't get a huge bribe for Ohioans like Nebraska and Louisiana and caved so early in this game of the government buying up and running private industries.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
During the debates last weekend and right before a Senate vote, Senator Durbin from Illinois stated on the Senate floor that "his staff was currently studying the bill so they could explain it to him". Explain it to him?? Now this is a senator who has consistently defended and voted for this bill wether he understands what's in it or not. We are soooo lucky in Illinois to have this guy working for us!

Norma said...

I think Brown was a little sharper than to admit that, but the result is the same.

Richard | said...

Maybe its a really complicated bill and he just wants someone to give him the general gist. Still, he should know more about it.