Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Extortion, threats, and corruption in the White House

Offutt Airforce Base is being threatened with the BRAC list (closure) if Ben Nelson (D-NE) doesn't fall in line. Michael Goldfarb, the Weekly Standard. That's thousands of jobs--a lot more than the piddling few Illinois will get with transferring prisoners from Gitmo. I'm still trying to find this story somewhere other than the blogosphere. Not that our media is so great about telling us what's going on with the stinks-to-the-heavens in this administration, but this is our security he's threatening, if that is true.

This is a bigger problem than just passing health care. The Democrats, who now have nothing at all to show for this ridiculous bill that's been gutted except a notch in the gun belt of the president, are risking our security. It's going to raise costs, cause rationing, lower the level of care, and there will still be millions of uninsured. It's about power. "Offutt is the headquarters for US Strategic Command, the successor to Strategic Air Command, and not by accident. STRATCOM was located in the middle of the country for strategic reasons."

It's the Chicago way.


Anonymous said...

Rahm Emanuel needs to be charge with some sort of criminal behavior. If this were to happen in the "real" world instead of DC, he'd be arrested.

Anonymous said...

As the terrorists like to say, you've got the watches, we've got the time.

Dr. Jim Blessman said...

The White House has finally crossed the line. We the people must rise up and say enough.