Saturday, March 20, 2010

CBO crumbles under health workload

Unfortunately, collapsing the entire government is the final goal for Obama. That's what he meant by the "fundamental transformation" he announced in 2008. That's what this "constitutional" lawyer meant when he said our Constitution was flawed. After he exhausts us all with health hysteria (over 85% already have insurance they like and many eligible for gov't insurance haven't applied or are wading through red tape), he moves on to amnesty for illegals, and destroying the energy system with cap and trade. In his latest campaign speeches he ridiculed all the points the opposition makes without correcting a single charge or even claiming they are lies. He just swats, as though we are gnats buzzing around his head.

"The budget office is responsible for providing Congress nonpartisan analysis and cost estimates for legislation, but the CBO has been in the limelight in a much greater way as Democrats desperately try to keep the cost of the health care bill in check.

But the CBO admits that the quantity of analysis hasn’t been enough to meet the needs of Congress.

Wasserman Schultz said she was concerned that Elemendorf’s office had recently sent a scored legislative summary to a House office that later needed to be significantly amended."

Read more: CBO crumbles under health workload - Erika Lovley -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy an historic mansion on a lake. Tell the local zoning committee you plan to restore it. Then knock it down. Rebuild with contractors from the USSR and concrete make in China. Oh, and block everyone else's view of the lake too.