Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Obama's colon

Isn't it terrible when the whole world knows the state of your colon? It seems that President Obama's recent clean bill of health has turned up high cholesterol, a stubborn addiction to cigarettes, and the fact that his doctors used a virtual colonoscopy. Colon cancer is the only cancer we can prevent with screening. The other types of screens find it after the fact; this one finds polyps which can be removed before they become a problem. There is a lot of colon cancer in my family, so I'm extremely grateful for colonoscopies, although the prep isn't pleasant (and it's the same for virtual and traditional methods).
    While traditional colonoscopy can remove polyps at the same time that they are detected, a virtual exam cannot. However, only about 10% of patients will have polyps that require removal. On the other hand, a virtual exam has its own advantages. It is very safe and does not require sedation. The virtual exam is usually completed in about 15 minutes and patients can drive themselves home afterward or immediately return to work.

    In 2008, the United States Preventive Services Task Force, an independent panel of experts appointed by the Department of Health and Human Services, issued a report that found that there was not enough evidence to determine whether Medicare should cover virtual colonoscopies. Medicare based its decision not to cover the virtual exam on the task force's findings." . . . [and on the cost if additional problems were found]
Mark E. Klein, the author of this editorial, concludes that this "do as I say, not as I do" is why Americans don't trust their government with health care--read the whole article here.

Frankly, I think that 10% figure is enough of a reason to go with conventional procedure--if this runs in your family; it means the polyps are then removed immediately. With the virtual, a second procedure is necessary. Also, I don't believe the WSJ article mentioned that most insurance companies don't cover it--so why pick on Medicare? Gulp! Did I just defend the government?

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