"OK folks, the Democrats are putting forward the BIG PUSH this week. More arm twisting, bribes, lies and special deals. The Tea Party and Patriot groups will be in D.C. the morning of March 16 to get IN their representatives' faces about the ugly healthcare bill by sitting in their offices. Let's get together and help. Please call or e-mail every legislator you can between now and 3/16 to help to push back.
If you need some encouragement click here:
You can do this. I'm calling on you to STAND UP and defend yourself on behalf of your children and grandchildren."
Wow, what a bust the DC gathering was. It's the last one for me.
For their events, the Dems can rally the neighborhoods they've kept poor and unemployed. The conservatives are all at work.
Yeah right. It's a given that the Reps are all about the poor people. Or at least, all about keeping the people poor.
Who keeps them poor in Cleveland, Detroit and New Orleans? Sure isn't the Republicans in power there. Just promise more entitlements--just about equals the percentage who support Obamacare. Works everytime. Of course, it's not enough to make it into the middle class or those swishy private schools the Dems send their kids to.
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