A bucket list supposedly contains things to do before you die (kick the bucket). I don't have one. But if I did, these would NOT be on it.
1. A primitive camping trip with no privy, hot showers, decent coffee or restaurant within miles.
2. Join the Peace Corps, Americorp or Vista or any other government based volunteer effort.
3. Attend a workshop on self-esteem, or any "do-over" workshops for that matter.
4. Update my resume and go back to work.
5. Publish a novel (writing it maybe, but not publishing).
6. Plant, hoe and harvest a garden.
7. Read the complete works of any author.
8. Public speaking.
9. Win the lottery.
10. Bathe the cat.
11. Ride a ferris wheel or roller coaster.
12. Appear on "What not to Wear" for $5,000 worth of new clothes.
13. Get a sun tan, or do anything sweaty.
My favorite- What Not to Wear. I could do without the 360 though :)
Very amusing. I remember when you were looking forward to retirement and saying you were going to write and you are! (smile)
Yes, I'll have to go back to my PEP (post employment plan) and count--maybe there were 13 things then. I know one was bird watching, and I just added that notch in 2009.
Bathe the cat, indeed. Bleh. And I would *never* go on What Not To Wear.
Hope that the writing goes well.
Interesting list.
I agree with #1 and #11. I used to be a camping fan, but, not anymore. My parents do have a trayler with power and TV, so when I do manage to go, it's OK. But, we used to tent camp, I would never do that again! In fact, when my parents say "you can go, but you have to sleep in a tent," I usually say no. Oh yeah and 11 because I don't have a cat to bathe, and I don't plan on getting one anytime soon. If I did get a pet, I would definitely get a dog! On top of that, bathing the cat is not for the list of things to do before you die, it's for your average things to do today/this week list, (but, yeah, I've seen it on some bucket lists too.) I did a thursday 13 too, it's here: http://lifes-adventures.net
Love, love, love this! Pretty sure I could come up with a NON bucket list much easier then my bucket list! :) Thanks for sharing!!!
Bathing a cat would be on my things to make sure I don't do bucket list... right along with camping in a tent.
I also do not want to sky dive, deep sea dive or dumpster dive.
Bathe the cat - not on my bucket either but when I was little I got a pair of scissors and trimmed our cat's whiskers. Poor cat. A victime of juvenile curiosity.
Norma, I'm with you on almost all of these except I would be willing to give that lottery thing a try. ;-)
(the tiny URL worked, by the way)
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