I'll return after Easter. Lots to do this week, and I'm starting by going to a movie this afternoon. Precious. My husband turned up his nose, so I'll go alone. Besides, he really wants to watch basketball.
I was watching Kentucky and West Virginia play yesterday. Wow! What super athletes--every last one of them. Several thoughts floated through my mind as I looked up from my book (The Virginian, 1902). Not a single white guy on the floor. No women, either. No fat kids. No Asians. No disabled. Obvious age discrimination. They all had very expensive outfits and shoes (tax payers expense?) that most guys their age can't afford. Some probably had scholarships that others didn't even hear about. Last night those teams were the cream of the crop--and no one even cares that they aren't sharing their place on the team with someone less qualified, less tall, less skillful, less handsome, less melanin, less educated, less willing to work hard, stiffer knees and shorter fingers. Sports are really unfair. When will the President insist that athletes share the wealth?
The federal office that oversees the GSEs Fannie and Fred, right on its website, has diversity of employees as its number one goal. Imagine. The gang that can't shoot straight, that brought us our current recession, are looking for minorities and women and disabled, because they seem to think that's what caused the problem, but college athletic teams aren't. Go figure!
If you choose to read Liz Curtis Higgs, may I suggest you begin with her triology? You can find it on her web site on in any library.
The President is appearing in a bomber jacketd in a foreign country telling them how to run their government--that should make your side love him!
Or your side hate him if they are consistent with the BDS. I really doubt that dressing up is going to fool many Republicans.
I looked all over at http://www.fhfa.gov/Default.aspx
Careers at FHFA and the closest text I found to "employee diversity as number one goal" was the following, under "Careers."
"The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) was established by the Housing and Economic Act of 2008. The act merged the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight with the Federal Housing Finance Board and the GSE mission office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Our primary mission is ensuring the financial safety and soundness of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and the twelve Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks).
FHFA employees serve America by ensuring a safe and sound secondary mortgage market. Our work has a far reaching impact on the nation’s economy.
We are dedicated to hiring and retaining a diverse and highly skilled workforce. Our workforce is primarily made up of several occupations such as: Examiners; Economists; Accountants; Financial Analysts; Information Technology Specialists; and Attorneys.
To apply for FHFA positions listed below, go to application site at http://www.avuedigitalservices.com/fhfa/applicant.html.
FHFA’s vacancy announcements can also be found on USA Jobs at http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/.
You may contact the HR representative listed on the vacancy announcement for more information or assistance. You may also contact the Office of Human Resources Management for additional assistance at (202) 408-2810 or (202) 408-2815."
Where did you find "right on its website, has diversity of employees as its number one goal"?
Pardon me, please.
The link for the homepage is http://www.fhfa.gov/Default.aspx
Have you thought of parsing at the daily kos or perhaps NYT or WaPo?
"The Office of Human Resources Management is dedicated to collaborating as a
strategic partner in achieving OFHEO’s regulatory mission by proactively determining
human capital needs in order to recruit and retain a world-class workforce that is
diverse, motivated and committed to excellence." Cover of the June 2008 report.
See? OFHEO achieves its mission by a diverse work force. In case, you thought I was blaming Obama for the gov't induced housing bubble, I'm not. But it fits his thinking (gov't control and regulation of everything in the private sector) very nicely and he is well on his way to continuing the disastrous patterns.
i enjoyed that movie. I tend to watch movies in the morning. All AMC's AM cinema are only 5 bucks. Cinemarks first showing of the day is also only five bucks...even the new releases as long it it is not 3D.
Precious was very good--it's at our local $1.50 theater. MoNique is outstanding as the personification of evil yet she was able to give her character a hint of humanity. Definitely a "Rocky" film.
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