Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain got it; Obama didn't

Remember that Chicken Little thought the sky was falling and that Foxy Woxy could save her and the other animals she had frightened. Well, meet Foxy Woxy, the one Democrats want us to elect to guard the hen house.


Anonymous said...

If only the voters would study the facts rather than simply rely on the fact that they are either Democrats or Republicans and by god they just ain't gonna change. I mean, if you're a Boston fan are you gonna switch to the Yankees? That's the mentality of the citizens on this country. It's about as simple as that. We need to dump the two party system. Neither party has served us well over the last 40 years.

Norma said...

Agreed. And since McCain doesn't seem to represent either party, I guess he's our best choice in November.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez: I would say so. I like the fact that Palin is on the ticket and is this country's rare opportunity to get someone in Washinton that breaks the mold. (in this case "mold" can be something green and slimy or a pattern...take your choice)
By the way, the first comment on this blog was mine also.