Saturday, July 09, 2005

1243 What were they thinking?

Trouble understanding the Left or Liberals who are having problems understanding Islamofascism or the War on Global Terrorism? Even friends or family members? There's help on the way with regular reading of: Shrink Wrapped is a psychoanalyst, Neuro-Conservative is an untenured blogger who needs to remain anonymous, and Dr. Sanity, blogs about life's insanities from Michigan.

Shrink Wrapped, for instance, pointed out in an entry about political correctness:

1. Everyone is equal, therefore the only reason outcomes are ever unequal is because of flaws in the system. In a perfect system, equality of outcomes would be assured.

2. Since everyone is equal, there can be no differences between people; men and women, therefore, are not just equal, but are identical in every way. Anatomy is no longer destiny, in fact, it is irrelevant.

3. All differences in outcome, therefore, must be the result of the powerful group, the ruling class, discriminating against the weaker groups
. Check here.

Doesn't that sound like the premise of workshops you've been required to attend?

Neuro-conservative, who is not a Christian, ponders: "Are we really living in a society in which the Koran must literally be treated with kid gloves, in which all manners of speech (including flag-burning) are to be tolerated, yet the 10 Commandments are singled out for special opprobrium?" Check here.

So now we know there are other inquiring minds wondering why our gov't buys Korans for Gitmo's prisoners, but shields school children from forbidden Bibles.

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