There is no evidence
Although I am a 6 day creationist, I have no problem reading and enjoying reports of millions of years for old earth, particularly if they poo-poo man's impact on global weather change. Unfortunately, there is no money in saying that humans are not in charge. Be prepared to open your wallets if you buy into this Al Gore chicken little story, or even if you don't. This one by Ian Plimer of Australia is instructive:"For 80% of time, planet Earth has been a warm wet greenhouse planet. Polar icecaps are rare, plants have only be on Earth for 10% of time and 99.99% of all life that has ever existed is extinct. Global atmospheric CO2 and CH4 have been variable over time and have decreased over time whereas O2 has been in the atmosphere for 50% of time, has greatly fluctuated and has increased over time. There have been 5 major and numerous minor mass extinctions of complex life, extinction opens new environments for colonisation and, because former terrestrial animals have become extinct, we humans now have a habitat. Sea levels have risen and fallen thousands of time by up to 400 metres, land levels constantly rise and fall and massive rapid climate changes derived from supernovae, solar flaring, sunspots, meteorites, comets, uplift of mountain ranges, pulling apart of oceans, stitching together of land masses, drifting continents, orbital changes, changes in the shape of Earth, ice armadas, changes in ocean currents and volcanoes. There is no evidence that life has changed climates." Full report here. (Opens in Word)
The medieval warm period

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