Thursday, February 07, 2008

The big one

Can you guess how many ones (numeral or words) appear on the U.S. one dollar bill? Before taking one out of your wallet or purse jot down a number. I guessed 10, and so did my husband. The student from CSG at the coffee shop guessed 5, another guy said 7. Actually, it depends on the bill, but in looking at three different one dollar bills, I had between 22 and 29 ones on a one dollar bill.

There is only one reason to vote for John McCain, and that's Jihadism. And it's important. But the other ones all go against him. 1) He's too old. 1) He's noted for a flash point, bad temper. 1) Do you want an old guy with a bad temper going up against Iran? 1) He left his faithful, hard working wife and mother of his children who waited all the years he was in a POW situation for a trophy wife. 1) His new wife's father has financed his political career. 1) He's the sponsor of McCain-Feingold (campaign finance reform which is fine for guys with a sugar daddy-in-law). 1) He's squishy on amnesty. 1) He's more concerned with pleasing the guys across the aisle than conservatives or Republicans. 1) He's a media lap dog. 1) He appeals to Democrats and Independents in the primaries, but they'll dump him for their regular date come November. 1) He can't carry the South. 1) He either plays dumb, or is dumb, on the economic issues. 1) He has co-sponsored many bills which are an anathema for conservatives. 1) He loves being the bi-partisanship candidate--why not just have one party? 1) He likes being a maverick, but Democrats hate their own mavericks, why do they like ours? 1) Because they can beat him come November. 1) He snubs and insults conservatives, and was being considered as Kerry's running mate in 2004. 1) Why should time in prison, even if not your fault, be a resume enhancer? 1) He's supported Ted Kennedy more often than George Bush. 1) He has no business experience. 1) He has no executive office experience. 1) He's climbed aboard the broken, creaky global warming band wagon with the other hate America crowd. 1) In order to become a Republican, he'd need to start flip-flopping right now, something conservatives usually don't like. 1) He needs to raise a lot of money just in order to have grass roots support.

How many ones is that? How many do you need not to support McCain. But work very hard for your local guys you'll be sending to Washington, because Hillary doesn't need a rubber stamp Congress in bed with her and Bill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder how many 1's Hillary has. She has a lot of repeats. Try this one... Her 35 years of "experience" can be condensed into 1.